Collaboration is Everything:  Why freelancers should work with other freelancers

Afrofreelancer /Freelancer /Collaboration is Everything:  Why freelancers should work with other freelancers


When you start on your freelance journey one of the things to consider is how to build your network and who can help you on your way to the top. While it may be tempting to immediately want to work with the most popular brands and businesses, and if the offer comes along we are not saying you shouldn’t take it, but working with other novice freelancers and business owners has its perks.


Actor, director and writer Issa Rae stated in an interview a few years ago that when she started working on her web series and other projects, she did not seek out people who were way ahead of her in their business and didn’t immediately go knocking on HBO executives’ door. She built her network from classmates, friends and other people she knew were starting their journey together. Rae felt that by building a team of people who were fresh in their careers and hungry for the opportunity to expand their portfolio she would get much further, and she was very right.


Collaborating with other freelancers is the best way to build your network along the way. Not only can it be beneficial for business but it can also be a great support system. Even if they are not in the same field as you, having other people who know what you are going through in terms of things like how to find new clients, managing your side business with your 9-5 or even the life adjustments you have to make is an amazing connection to have. Having a network of people who can give you tips and advice on services to use or how to navigate your business is priceless.


It is also important to realize as a small business owner each client or job you get gets you one step closer to your goal. Why not be that for another novice business owner? When you need things such as a logo or website design or a part time bookkeeper make it a point to seek out a fellow freelancer and build a working relationship. Nothing against big corporations but your money will be just as invaluable if not more with a small business owner.