All In a Name: What to name your business

Afrofreelancer /Freelancer /All In a Name: What to name your business

When you decide to take the plunge on your freelance journey, one of the first questions you start to think about is what should you name your business? It can be exciting yet scary because the name of your business is part of the foundation of the brand you are building. So, while it is not the most important thing here are a few key things to remember when trying to decide the name for your business.


Tip #1: Don’t overthink it

Don’t try to force a name that you do not love but also don’t panic if you don’t immediately find a name that you love. Sometimes you get the idea for a name while running an errand or reading a book. Don’t rush the creative juices. The name may come when you least expect it. 


Tip #2: Be consistent with your name across social media

It is no secret that for a business to thrive, one must also have a presence on social media. When you set up your social media accounts it is very easy that potential clients be able to locate your social media in the easiest way possible. For example, if the name of your website design business is ABC Websites, then it is not the best idea for your social media names to be 123 Websites. Uniformity is key so whatever name you decide, do a social media search to make sure you can make your name handles as close to your business name as possible. 


Tip #3: Check the domain and trademark sites for availability

Nothing is better than when the lightbulb goes off and you think of the perfect name. But before you go printing the name on merchandise or creating a website, go check your name on both a domain registry and check the trademark registry to make sure the name is available. There is nothing worse than being in the beginning stages of your business and then finding out you have to change your name. 


Tip #4: Simplicity Works

There is no doubt that a creative name is catchy and is harder to forget. However, if you find you just want to use your own name that is perfectly fine. Names like John Smith Construction or Jane Doe Desserts is just as effective with letting the world know you have arrived as a business owner. After all your name will attract a client, but your quality of service will keep them as customers.